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Travel Tips + Tricks for a Happier Trip

With every amazing adventure comes the hassle of having to get there. Crazy airport security lines and hours spent in the car are not fun for anyone. But there are some ways to make things run a little smoother when heading to your destination. Here are my top tips and tricks for a happier trip:

1. Print out your tickets, confirmation emails, itinerary, etc. In this day and age, it seems strange to carry physical pieces of paper when you can just pull up your boarding pass on your phone, right? Well, I’ve heard far too many stories of spotty WiFi making it impossible for things to load and deleted emails causing mayhem. It’s far safer to print out everything you’ll need a few days before traveling. If you’re overly cautious like me,  you can also create a folder or binder for your trip so everything stays nice and is easily accessible in your travel bag.

2. Plan your timing to a T. Whether flying, taking a train/bus, or hopping in the car, it’s important to get moving at the right time. Airport security and flight times are unpredictable, so leave yourself at least 2-3 hours to get there and settled before takeoff. If taking public transportation to the airport, account for even more time! Train and bus stations often involve crowded platforms and long lines. I typically arrive an hour or so before my departure time. Finally, when driving, plan to hit the road earlier than you think you need to. You never know if pockets of traffic will pop up, so it’s better to be safe than sorry!

3. Pack must-haves in your carry-on travel bag. There is nothing worse than lost or damaged luggage leaving you stranded without your essential items. Pack your wallet, medicines, a change of clothes, your electronics, and other indispensable items in a bag that will never leave your person. This way, if all else fails, you have everything you truly need.

4.  Entertainment for waiting time is a MUST. During travel, there’s typically a lot of hurry up and wait. There’s the big rush to get through security or find your line in the bus station, then the hustle and bustle just kind of… stops. Remember to pack a book to read, magazine to flip through, headphones for music, notebook to write in, or whatever it is you enjoy doing to fill the time. You won’t regret it!

5. Dress in layers. Temperatures (and weather) tend to fluctuate when you travel, so be prepared for all environments. I recommend leggings or jeans, a t-shirt, a sweater, and a jacket, with an umbrella for rain and sunglasses for sunshine. Don’t forget to wear the right shoes for your trip as well; Sneakers are a good go-to, but flats or low-heeled boots also work. Leave the stilettos for later!

6. Hydrate! This is, you know, an always thing, but it’s especially important when traveling. Mealtimes are often thrown off when taking long flights or road trips. Drinking lots of water can help you avoid feeling fatigued or sick. I’ve also heard it’s a good step for conquering flight anxiety, which I will be the first to admit I have. All in all, water can be your best friend on trips!

There are so many more pieces of advice I could give and lots of other helpful travel guides to be found. I hope these tips will come in handy for your next journey! Let me know in the comments below what some of your tried and true travel tricks are!

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  • Dadda

    I love that you chose a pic of the author on a boat out on the water for your cover photo. Wonderful site. Congratulations. Love you and miss you lots…❤️💚💜